Love Your Liver Q&A Livestream 14 #LoveYourLiver #vitaminatoxicity #vitaminadetox #cholestasis

1 year ago

Topics covered:

0:00 Intro.

2:16 Anthony Mawson and his work. Fructose, aldehydes, alcohol, sugar and fatty liver. Bile backflows into blood. Bile acid and leaky gut. Leaky bile ducts inside and outside of the liver.

28:20 Grant Genereux, bile, eczema, kidneys, skin. Testing for bile acids. Aluminium / Aluminum, Copper, Manganese, Vitamin A, and excess Iron, all get stored in the liver and cause cholestasis.

45:38 Epithelial cells make lactoferrin. Vitamin A destroys epithelial cells. Lactoferrin has many benefits (such as repairing bile ducts). Mixed bovine lactoferrin in fresh milk from French cows. No additives or fillers.

Find more from Dr. Smith, and his Love Your Liver course at

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