Love Your Liver Q&A Livestream 22 #LoveYourLiver #vitaminatoxicity #vitaminadetox #nutritionworks

1 year ago


0:00 Introduction. Viral problems and toxicity. Mawson paper.

4:30 Testimonial. Insomnia. Switched approach to Peat. Vitamin D orally. Progesterone. Reactive hypoglycemia. Cut out eggs. Lactoferrin and consultation. Fatty liver. Carotenemia. Topical beta carotene splits into 2 retinaldehydes. Carrot toxicity.

30:50 Copper. Ceruloplasmin. Vitamin A. Chicken study.

40:57 Low body temperature. Low pulse. Liver and thyroid T4 to T3. Toxicity.

45:50 Nootropics. Drugs. Non nutrients.

52:00 Older women and pregnancy. Liver health and toxicity.

54:40 Copper in pregnancy. Progesterone connection. Cholestasis. Oral contraceptives.

1:05:10 Trampolining rebounding. Reduce poisons going in.

1:09:15 Fatigue and loss of motivation. Cholestasis. Itching. Bile in blood. Potassium.

1:21:25 High meat. High fat. High sugar. Raw meat. Women and obesity.

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