Love Your Liver Q&A Livestream 21 #LoveYourLiver #vitaminatoxicity #vitaminadetox #nutritionworks

1 year ago

Testimonials and Research Links Document:


0:00 Introduction re cancer.

1:35 Testimonial. Irregular periods. Vitamin A and miscarriage. Preterm birth, infertility.

5:45 Testimonial. Angina, kidney pain, reflux. Stopped alkaline diet and Vit D supplements. Lactoferrin. Toxins. Specific supplements with testing.

9:25 Connecting cancer to bile and cholestasis. Lactoferrin. Fructose, high fat, Vitamin D, copper, manganese, exercise. Stagnation, leaky gut. Bile acid malabsorption. Breast lesions. Bile acid profiles. Lithocholic acid. Research study links.

44:25 Lactoferrin re cancer. Fix bile ducts, leaky gut and liver. Vitamin A and neutrophils. Affecting lactoferrin production.

58:15 Hair receding. Bile in the blood. Alopecia. Slow down detox. Covid and Mawson.

1:10:35 Tooth decay. Improved enamel. Reflux. Vitamin A and bone. Saliva.

1:17:00 Exercise, massage. Bile dumping. Topical magnesium. Lactoferrin topical.

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