NHS: Day 3 of Junior Doctors’ Pay Strike - UK Column News - 15th March 2023

1 year ago

- Sky: Junior doctors' strike: Anger at 'national scandal' of unnecessary NHS deaths as thousands start three-day walkout
- Leeds University Business School: Two months in the life of a junior doctor
- Telegraph: NHS could be 'safer than normal' as consultants cover striking junior doctors 
- Mirror: More than 17,000 NHS consultants would vote to strike in ballot next month
- Unison trade union: Nearly a quarter (24%) of ambulance operations staff say they will leave as soon as they can find another job
- Health Watch Middlesbrough: The Government has confirmed that NHS prescription charges will go up next month. Last April, the charges were frozen at 2021 levels
Sources: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-15th-march-2023

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