8. Did You Know (DYK) – Lurnpa – Exposing Corruption in Australia

1 year ago

DYK (Did You Know) is about about everyday people who are going above and beyond to assist humanity during this incredible time in history.

On this Episode Michelle interviews Lurnpa – David Cole
Lurnpa and his family were targeted by the Northern Territory Police. Learn how and why.
My Place Australia – Putting Unity in Community

All Donations to Lurnpa and his family for their Legal Battle is greatly appreciated (details below). This account has been set up to pay for Lawyers by a third party. The lawyers deal with the third party directly.

Bank SA
Account Name : Legal Fight
Account Type : Complete Freedom
Account Number : -76661040
BSB : 105 091

Welcome to The Collective Family

The Collective Purpose: To awaken people to be Sovereign Conscious Humanitarians.

The Collective Endstate: People have ascended to their true spiritual consciousness and are lovingly helping in the sacred rebirth of humanity.

The Collective Method: To enable a virtuous Collective that inspires people to shine through physical, mental and emotional reconnection to GOD.

Our culture is one of:


All members of The Collective connect through our Telegram chat rooms.

Telegram is a censorship resistant platform that enables our valued members to be free to interact, share and learn with many awake and aware heart led freedom loving people from all over the world.

You can download the app from your Apple or Android store or Desktop with this link: https://desktop.telegram.org

Our Collective Telegram rooms have experienced humanitarians who provide expert guidance and support on your journey to Personal and Financial Sovereignty.

To be an active part of The Collective and help rebuild humanity, you can connect with us through Any of the following Telegram rooms:

Collective Social: https://t.me/Collectivesocial
Rebuilding our world through the greatest wealth transference in History. We have fun sharing, connecting, and supporting Humanity.

Collective Lobstr 101: https://t.me/TheCollectivelobstr101
Learn how to optimise your position during the greatest transfer of wealth.

Rebuild Humanity: https://t.me/+D_QrsPXni0tjY2Vl
Our task of rebuilding humanity, by uniting as one has just started. Join us with your talent, passion, and desire to make a significant contribution.

Prosperity Lighthouse: https://t.me/+xtCUhqoDmfc4NGE1
The light that guides you through and beyond the greatest wealth transference.

Quantum Consciousness: https://t.me/+m490lrmxl_U4ZjI1
Learn how to get higher Source self-clarity, connection, productivity and to master energy so you can, in alignment, master everything.
Neumi Collective: https://t.me/neumicollective
As Sovereign Conscious Humanitarians, we know there are 6000+ hidden patients to be released.
Nano sized Glutathione is one of these such technologies.

Other Connections:

The Collective YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@The-Collective
Local coffee chats, luncheon, presentations and events: https://www.meetup.com/thecollectivefamily/events

DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this video or any associated informative platforms is to be considered financial advice. Quantum Brownie, The Collective, all members of the Telegram Chats and any other social medium channel are not to be considered financial advisors. All information is provided as is and for education and entertainment purposes only on Lobstr, GESARA, Conscious Leadership, humanitarian projects, ascension, healthy living, funding new technologies, inventions, and start-up companies to rebuild our world. As always, the decision to put any information, all or in part, resides with the viewer and they are advised strongly to Do Your Own Research (DYOR). Quantum Brownie and The Collective Family are a worldwide group of Sovereign Conscious Humanitarians, who all possess the desire to help and be of benefit to our planet and inhabitants to Shine.

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