Moscow regards "incident" in which an American drone crashed in the Black Sea as a provocation

1 year ago

1. Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov, after an incident involving a US drone over the Black Sea, said Moscow expects Washington to stop flights near Russian borders.

US drones "gather intelligence which is later used by the Kiev regime to attack our armed forces and territory... We proceed from the fact that the United States will refrain from further speculations in the media landscape and stop making sorties near the Russian borders," Antonov told reporters.
2. US drones are collecting reconnaissance data to be used by the Kiev forces for their future strikes on the Russian territory and troops, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov has said.

"The unacceptable actions of the United States military in the close proximity to our borders are cause for concern. We are well aware of the missions such reconnaissance and strike drones are used for," the ambassador was quoted as saying in a communique, issued in connection with Tuesday’s US MQ-9 Reaper drone’s crash in the Black Sea.

The Russian diplomat quoted US National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby as saying that US UAVs make these kinds of overflights on a daily basis.

"What do they do thousands of miles away from the United States? The answer is obvious - they gather intelligence which is later used by the Kiev regime to attack our armed forces and territory," Antonov said.

"Let us ask a rhetorical question: if, for example, a Russian strike drone appeared near New York or San Francisco, how would the US Air Force and Navy react? I am quite confident that the US military would act in an uncompromising way and would not allow its airspace or territorial waters to be breached," he continued. "We proceed from the fact that the United States will refrain from further speculations in the media landscape and stop making sorties near the Russian borders."

"We perceive any actions involving the use of American weapons and military equipment as openly hostile," Antonov added.

He reminded the public that Washington has already supplied Kiev with $33 billion worth of arms.

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