51 Semantic Search & Deep Query Examples 💎#shorts #TauNet #SemanticSearch #EfficientSearch

1 year ago

Semantic search & deep query examples

1. Problem-solving query:
“Is my program defined over all possible inputs?”
Tau will notify whether the program is capable of processing any valid input.

2. Outcome verification query:
“Will my software send any end-user’s private data, and does it meet the needs of the end-users?” Tau will provide information on whether the software meets the standards of end-users and whether any end-user private data will be shared.

#SemanticSearch #DeepQueryAnalysis #IntelligentSearch #SearchEngineOptimization #PersonalizedSearch #ContextualizedInformation #ProblemSolvingQuery #OutcomeVerificationQuery #SocialDiscoveryQuery #NaturalLanguageProcessing #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DataScience #BigData #InformationRetrieval #KnowledgeGraphs #RelevanceEngineering

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