49 Knowledge Economy💎#shorts #TauNet #KnowledgeValue #AccelerateDiscoveries

1 year ago

Knowledge Economy

Users and teams are able to monetize their own knowledge by enabling other users to pay for access to it, trading even single pieces for cash. This creates a knowledge economy within Tau. This way, users accelerate their decision-making, communication, and discoveries, because Tau will automatically connect all information and knowledge within its knowledge base and highlight provably-correct solutions to problems where they’re detected, giving all information significant potential for use.

#TauSoftware #KnowledgeEconomy #MonetizeYourKnowledge #ProvablyCorrectSolutions #AccelerateDecisionMaking #AccelerateCommunication #AccelerateDiscoveries #InformationHighlighting #KnowledgeValue #PowerOfKnowledge #CollaborativeCommunity #InnovativeApproach

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TML Playground: https://tml.tau.net/

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