Gravity The Dark Energy Field Effect

1 year ago

Gravity The Dark Energy Field Effect
December 15th 2015

Gravity is caused by the Electromagnetic Energy inherent in all Matter - Gravity is pushing on the “Dark Energy Field” or “Space - you could say space is not just empty nothingness, it's an energy field - a Dark Energy Field and it has an effect - it's called a Dark Energy Field Effect - this is Gravity - as the Electromagnetic Radiation of all Matter repels Space /Dark Energy - Space/Dark Energy pushes back, where there is a path of least resistance in the distortion of Matter - Matter will appear to have an attraction towards itself - but its Space/Dark Energy pushing Matter together because of Matters Electromagnetic Distortion

So, what is Electromagnetic Distortion - well - for real quick answer - The Universe is a Binary System! - That is to say that Electric and Magnetic Energy are each representative of a Binary System - Energy/Matter and Dark Energy/Space - their interaction is the foundation of all. Orion Michael Guy

PS: as far as being able to manipulate Gravity - YES WE CAN - we can manipulate Gravity and explore beyond our imaginations - ITS CALLED THE MICROWAVE and it’s the key to space travel and teleportation and possibly even time travel! In the Microwave Oven is a device called - you guessed it! a Magnetron - a magnetic oscillation device that can fine tune the electromagnetic harmonics of Gravity!

With this Magnetron you can build a spaceship that can create its own gravity and get off the surface of the planet very easily - you can even refine this technology to move faster than light and even teleport - all with the use of the Magnetic Field and it's manipulation

Google “The Right Side of Dark Energy - a Universal Construct”

(Video Production on: “The Right Side Of Dark Energy - A Universal Construct” is currently In Progress, but the original Articles and Drafts are searchable... but are being suppressed by the search engines. You can also search for my name on social media, and in my profiles and accounts you should be able to find the original, (Rough Draft,) first 30 Articles... I am working on Editing and Producing Video Articles for them... thanks for watching, if you like this type of content give me a thumbs up and if you have any questions put them in the comments below. Thanks For Watching.)

Orion Michael Guy

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