Oscar Slap Heard Around The World: The YouTube Short That Earned Me 2,400 views in a day

1 year ago

In my latest offering I post the original version of the YouTube short I had at Colden Park Films called “Oscar Slap Heard Around The World” featuring the highlight (or extreme low) of the 2022 Academy Awards.

As always folks if you enjoy this or any of the content you find here at Colden Park Films then:

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follow us so that our little channel can grow and flourish so that one day, the founder/dude who puts these out can have enough money set aside to make a full length feature film.

Food for thought: if the 1998 classic, “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” cost over £1,200,000 to make, then I’d to make a film just as worthy but for far less so….


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