3 Tips For Calming Yourself Right Away - Inspired from meeting a nursing Mom at Costco

1 year ago

Start to build that bridge between what is happening in your body and what is happening in your life. Sometimes when energy starts to move it can feel scary. Reframe it to energy in my body is moving and it is excited to come out and get the love and support it needs to be heard.
1. Notice what your breath is doing instead of trying to force a deep breath. Where are you holding tension, and what sensations are doing in your body. For example anxiety may feel tight and bubbly in your stomach.
2. Observe your breath, the tension and sensations that are coming up. Don't try and change them. Watch them and see what happens next. Something may shift, some tension may dissolve or emotion come up.
3. Tell those parts I am listening, I love you, I am here. Soften and ground into what is.
In this state we can start to draw in the resources and support we need to feel safe and release the stress to move on and be free.

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