My tweet got on PBD Podcast, just happened to be there but that’s a win

1 year ago

I’m glad I follow my own intuition and let my decisions lead me to a path of success or failure. Can’t let fear paralyze me. Like the time I was told to STOP tweeting because I’m not famous ie important😂 in their eyes. Im certain my tweet just happened to come up due to luck & timing but I’ll take it 💥💯! Wouldn’t of happened if I didn’t hit that tweet button. My tweet to Professor Galloway said the following, “You mean the jobs gained from the ones disappeared during ___.” Professor Galloway is a very intellectual guy and I agree with him on many things, just not this. The President tried to take credit (like all do) for things that aren’t true and is hidden with deception. A lot of these jobs were just put back from the ones that got shut down during ___.

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