The Power of God's Law. Pillar of Protection #1.

1 year ago

In this video we cover -
Pillar #1- God’s law/Ecclesiastical law of your Ministry
We have a convent with God our Creator that superseads any agreement or contract with Man. We are a free nation because of God.
Our allegiance is to Jesus, which is God. Our law is the Holy Bible KJV, and our flag is the Christian Flag. We serve under and are protected by God the almighty under all his covenants, protections, and divine orders not man's.
These Covenants with God supersedes all other laws, treaties, and covenant/constitutions.
Everyone should study the common law - natural law - as they are God's law and America's true law. All else is false and without authority. No authority - No enforcement

10 Commmandments
The Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5-7

Here is a great article and breakdown of Scripture and how God’s law takes precedence over Man’s law -

US Supreme Court in a case involving mail fraud prosecution of a religious leader who claimed to have supernatural powers, the Court warned: “Man’s relation to his God was made no concern of the state. He was granted the right to worship as he pleased and to answer to no man for the verity of his religious views. The religious reviews espoused by [the sect that followed the religious leader] might seem incredible, if not preposterous, to most people. But if those doctrines are subject to trial before a jury charged with finding their truth or falsity, then the same can be done with the religious beliefs of any sect. When the tries of fact undertake that task, they enter a forbidden domain.” Cantwell v. Conn., 310 U.S. 296 (1940)

“All acts of legislature apparently contrary to natural right and just are, in our laws, and must be in the nature of things, considered as void. The laws of nature are the laws of God; Whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to him from whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions, which contradict his laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey. Such have been the adjudications of our courts of Justice.” (cited 8 Co. 118. a. Bonham’s case. Hob. 87; 7. Co. 14. a. Calvin’s case.); Robin v. Hardaway, 1 Jefferson 109, 114, 1 Va. Reports Ann. 58, 61 (1772) aff’d. Gregory v. Baugh, 29 Va. 681, 29 Va. Rep. Ann. 466, 2 Leigh 665 (1831)

Ecclesiastical Law - Bible or Holy Scriptures of your association/Laws of your association.
Ecclesiastical Law is the body of law derived from canon and civil law and administered by the ecclesiastical courts. Ecclesiastical law governs the doctrine of a specific church, usually, Anglican canon law. Ecclesiastical law is also termed as jus ecclesisasticum or law spiritual
The “laws, policies, rules, regulations” of your Ministry or Faith-based association.

Book a free call now if you are ready to get started or have questions. These calls are for faith-based health care and healing practitioners and/or ministries only.

David Edwards - the PMA OG -

Private Wealth Academy Trust Secrets - Workshop

Private Wealth Academy

Fellow PMA Advisor Guy Stinson and David created a short course for those of you who want to learn more - it’s fantastic!
A Guide to Starting Your Own PMA -

Get your money backed by silver and work with another PMA at Liberty Dollar Financial Association.
Watch this short video to learn more

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In health and freedom,
Dr. Layne

Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, tax advisor, attorney, bookkeeper, nor do I hold any degrees that I am not completely transparent about. By watching these videos and using the information, you are agreeing to take full responsibility for your own experience and results.

The information in these videos and on this channel are intended for members of Layne Linebaugh, DC, PHA, or those agreeing to the bylaws of the association.

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