Jasun Horsley - Harvesting Humans & the Rise of Machine Intelligence - PART 1

1 year ago

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Jasun Horsley discusses his book 'The Kubrickon: The Cult of Kubrick, Attention Capture, and the Inception of AI'. It's hardly controversial to suggest that the 24/7 mass media matrix in which untold millions are immersed might be doing much more harm than good. But what if this addictive, obsessive diet of gaudily-lit screens and never-ending noise was actually the core of an agenda to mesmerize and manipulate humanity toward much darker ends? With our collective disconnect from reality already well underway, trash culture – sometimes disguised as art – is creating a subspecies for whom the distinction between fact and fiction will soon no longer exist. People with a susceptibility to being programmed - or even possessed - by outside influences. And the purpose? The harvesting of human sentience for the seeding of machine intelligence.


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Bumper music: Cliff Martinez 'Traffic OST'
Other themes composer unknown.

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