World Events 2: CoG - Continuity of Government

1 year ago

Howdy New Templars and Mystery Seekers! ⚔️🛡️⚔️📜

Our military industrial complex has been hard at work either fighting the good fight or keeping us distracted. Factions fighting for the soul of America and the world, all gearing towards one big event. Regardless of what that event entails, its immediate response will be continuity of government, or CoG.

Time: 5:45PM PST, 7:45PM CST, 8:45PM EST
Topic: World Events 2: CoG
- What is CoG? Why is this important?
- What scenarios can we say would cause CoG?
- What areas of the MIC would be involved in this? Why?
- Is this the same as Martial Law?
- Could we consider this a good thing or bad thing, regardless of who's steering the wheel?
- How long could we say we have been in a CoG situation?

Although we understand there is an internal warfare going on between different areas of the military. We have a very smoke and mirror lense on who really is on the right side here. Many areas of our military are compromised, as well as many aligned to the light.

"Misinformation is Necessary."

Or as Q always says.

As always we wish you a Stupendous day! We hope to see you Wednesday evening!


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