Never mind the Great Reset. Accept the Great Escape.

1 year ago

From a libertarian perspective, Reason is the top source of news, politics, and culture on the planet. ,,..,, and,,, and,, for,,, and a few things, from where we presently stand in the world..

"There has never been a pandemic like the one caused by the coronavirus. We are at a turning point."

In COVID-19: The Great Reset, a 2020 book he co-authored with Thierry Malleret, Klaus Schwab, the director of the World Economic Forum (WEF), penned these lines.

They state in the book's introduction, "Many of us are wondering when things will get back to normal. "The quick answer is never,"

Schwab gave a favourable welcome to the keynote speaker at the most recent WEF gathering in Davos, Switzerland, in January, and this set the tone for the event: President of China and leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping

"The world's major economies should view it as a single community... and should synchronise the objectives, intensity, and tempo of fiscal and monetary policies, "In his speech at the WEF, Xi added.

Schwab's idea of the post-COVID world is captured by this picture of a unified world with a coordinated economy run by professionals. At a 2020 WEF book launch event for The Great Reset, Schwab stated, "We have to rethink the social compact.

Many people have conjectured that the "great reset" is a part of a plot by world financial elites and politicians to decimate the population of the planet in order to more easily impose one-world government, or even that COVID was designed with that purpose, in light of these grand declarations, the ominous book title, and Schwab's peculiar personal style.

I'm not a fan. Global conspiracies with a broad scope require a level of coordination and unity of purpose that is likely to be quickly revealed and dismantled, especially in the networked age. Instead than wasting time looking for a hidden purpose, consider the one that is already obvious.

At his book presentation in 2020, Schwab stated, "I think we are going from short-term to long-term, from shareholder capitalism to stakeholder capitalism.

Xi, the WEF, and individuals like Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) all support "stakeholder capitalism," which is just a fancy way of saying that businesses should put special interests first. They want labour, environmental, and social justice organisation representatives added to corporate boards. A bill by Warren would mandate that workers be elected to 40% of the positions on the boards of large corporations. The majority of the biggest companies in China are merely owned or under the direction of the state.

Zach Weissmueller wrote and produced the film. Tomasz Kaye animated it, while Nodehaus added additional graphics.

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