E031 (excerpt): Private Equity investments in the lower-middle and middle market, with Joe MacIsaac

1 year ago

This is a short excerpt from "Between Data and Risk" episode, in which Artur and Marian discuss the specifics of how Private Equity firms see and operate in the middle and lower-middle market, and what differentiates companies in this segment from larger corporations. Their guest is Joe MacIsaac, Operating Partner at WoodLake Group, a private investment firm focusing on this sector.

In this excerpt, the discussion moves towards how due diligence is conducted, and specifically how 360° due diligence helps get a more complete view of the company's operations.

Find out about how private investment firms operate in this market sector, what essential characteristics they look for in an organization, and how to improve your operations to attract more investors, not only from PE but in general.

Listen to this episode of the "Between Data & Risk" podcast from 17th March 2023!

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