Reptil by John Catchpole and Angus Peter Allen. Episode Two: Failure to become Superman. A Puke (TM) Comic

1 year ago

Reptil by John Catchpole and Angus Peter Allen.
Episode two.

Failure to become Superman.


An error in the manufacture of a new insecticide produced a harmful power. By breathing this gas, living beings underwent a transformation! In particular, they became white-eyed, aggressive monsters. Thanks to the efforts of two boys, Don Redding and Nick Dexter who successfully delivered an antidote, the village of Wimbering was saved.

Army tanks leave the valley, carrying all the insecticide reserves in order to put it out action, while Nick and Don fly over the city by helicopter in the company of Timms, the chemist.

Thus, any remaining insecticide will be buried at the bottom of the Atlantic?
Yes Nick! Ten miles deep?
It is the safest place.

This damned product is unfortunately not biodegradable.
So it has to remain buried for eternity at the bed of the sea.


But when the huge cylinder reaches the coast not far from Merehaven.
You see them Ivan?
Yes master, they transport it on the on the barge.
Ezra Creech, the man in the Wheelchair, is wanted by all police agencies.
Hello! This is control, this is control! The package has arrived. Action! Over!
Ezra Creech was disabled and had been confined to his wheelchair for ten years.
In few hours, I will become a normal man again: and even a superman!
A little later, escorted by destroyers the huge cylinder is sunk.
How long will it take?
Five days. They will open the hull of the barge and it will sink, along with the cylinder.


The operation took place a mile from the port.
All of a sudden!
It’s an explosion Capitan!
Great gods! You are clever! What caused it? How?
In a few seconds, the frog men take a sample of the gas.


That night in his lair, at the top of the hill, Creech breathes in the gas.


Immediately, his eyes turn white.

Ezra Creech holds the world in his hands!
The old Villain intends on displaying his power.
Let’s go, just to see what happens.

He tears up a train track.


Ha, Ha, Ha! For ten years I have waited for this moment, now I am Invincible!

His second target is a great bronze statue!

He, he, he! Into the dirt with you too, son!

A very good start! Now to begin serious work! I will conquer Merehaven and then the whole world!


Meanwhile, the police are taking stock.

Sirs, the cylinder is at a depth of ten fathoms! It is accessible to anyone wishing to withdraw small quantities of gas!

It has already been done! A white-eyed monster has caused a disaster on the port.

A monster with white eyes?
Has someone else breathed that damned gas?

A little later.
Look! The man with the white eyes has removed the rails, and the freight train has passed over the bridge.

Nick and Don, who are in the crowd, exchange a knowing look!

Don! Everything is repeating itself!
Alas! What a nightmare!
We are back to where we started!


This week at Merehaven! The man himself!

An animal star box contest: the Gorilla Man!

And that night, when the Animal gorilla man is doing his running training on the hill, when!

The man in the wheelchair stretches his foot and trips up the giant!


Miserable! I will grind you to dust!

Try it! We will have a laugh.


At first contact, the animal is thrown forward!


And tumbles several times over himself.
Ha! Ha! The performance of a lifetime!
Then, Creech’s henchman approaches the boxer.
Just one puff, Ivan! And I'll have this giant for as an ally.


A few minutes later, after the effect:

What as it happened to me? And who are you?

Look me in the eyes and you will see that we are the same!
We are the white eyes!
And we can conquer the world!

The two men head towards a hundred year old tree at the top of the hill.
Do you feel the new forces buzzing within you? Go on, my friend, knock over this tree!
With a single effortless gesture, the white-eyed giant uproots the tree.


PAGE 10:

Strengthened by this alliance, Creech goes to the reptiles of the Merehaven zoo.
A forty five meter Anaconda.
We shall release her! It will make a noise in Merehaven!

Let’s Go, he said pointing to the American Anaconda.
Right away the partition glass is broken and the harmful gas is released.

In a few minutes, the snake rears up.

He is one of us!
Yes, we gain an ally!

At the same time: Timms drives Don and Nick to Merehaven station.
But why return us with us?
We would like to help.
We have done enough at Wimbering! I can't watch you risk your life again.

PAGE 11:

But, as they cross the square.
Heavens! look!

Hiss! Hiss! A giant anaconda crushes a bus.
The little car is thrown up into the air by the huge reptile!
Don and Nick are unharmed from the accident but Timms has lost consciousness.
Do you know what I think Don?
Yes, there is no question of leaving Merehaven!

Merehaven has a wonderful aquarium that is where Ezra Creech and his two accomplice next arrive.

Look carefully! This will be our new ally!

PAGE 12:

Yes, the great white shark, the terror of the oceans, will now part of our family!
The famous gas is injected into the shark!
Just a small amount is enough!
One hour later, under the horrified looks from the guards, the monster leaps out of the aquarium.
He returns to the ocean!
That evening, three naval units enter the port.
Object in view!
It looks like a shark fin!

PAGE 13:

A second later.
Eh! Arch!
Argh! The eyes, look at the white eyes!
The boat turns around on itself, and its cannons are trained afar, unable to bear on the target.

However, in the hospital, Nick and Don attend with anxiety for news regarding Timms.
How is he doctor?
I can't tell, he's still in a coma.

PAGE 14:

So we stay here!
But how to fight against the White eyes!
Let's alert the authorities first!
The City is completely deserted!
People are staying at home. The white eyes can strike at any moment.
They go up to the lighthouse to better monitor the city.
It is a question of knowing how humans and animals have been affected by this gas.
We have to see the results first, and check if it is indeed the white eyes.
To their great surprise, they hear a voice a voice behind them.
Tell me, young people, what's going on in town? Scary rumors are spreading.
Nothing great, Sir! But it is advisable not to leave our houses.

PAGE 15:

The authorities have things well in hand, and the police helicopter is flying over the city.
You reassure me! It is terrible being old and without defense.
Good night sir, we will come to see you tomorrow!
Goodbye children. You are really very nice!

Ezra Creech takes off his glasses, and his white eyes start to shine.
Perfect, Perfect! Those two kids just gave me some interesting news.
At nightfall.
Her it is Ivan.
The Apiaries of Merehaven, Delicious local honey.

PAGE 16:

A little gas in each hive and we will have many more friends.
At dawn the police helicopter crosses the skies of Merehaven again.
Hello, this is the patrol. No sign of the snake or the shark.
The city is completely deserted.
And then Suddenly!
What is it?
The helicopter is engulfed in a buzzing cloud!
They are coming from everywhere! All around us!

PAGE 17:

Thousands of bees cover the helicopter and force it to descend!
Until it is forced to crash!
And then, the swarm returned to the abandoned lighthouse, into which Ezra Creech was retiring.
And here our little friends return.

PAGE 18:

He, ha! Ha we present the power to strike anywhere on earth. At sea and in the air. The whole world is under my domination!
Indeed - when the tanks enter the afflicted city.
Your orders are to shoot anything that moves!
The power of Creech is felt immediately.
Gash, Argh!

PAGE 19:

And only stops after destroying the first two units.
While in the port, the divers try to remove the large cylinder containing the harmful gas.

Are surprised by the white-eyed shark!

Don and Nick represent Timms at an improvised police meeting.

PAGE 20:

To limit damage, we will ship all of the zoo animals to London!

Excellent Idea.
As an afterthought, we must also evacuate the taxpaying inhabitants.
Don and Nick leave the meeting.
Let's take a look at the old man who lives in the lighthouse.
We should bring him some provisions. He should not dare go out.
The two boys are far from imagining that the object of their compassion is the most formidable man there is!
You are too good to me, my children! I am a poor weakling in constant menace of death.
Don’t worry! We’ll take care of everything.

The animals at the Zoo will be…
No Nick that is secret information!
What nick means sir is that we will take some measures to limit the spread of the trouble.

PAGE 21:

The old fox at instantly understands.

They will evacuate the animals from the zoo by train I guess.

So, that afternoon the animals are loaded onto freight trains.
Approximately five hundred meters from the station, on a small wooden Bridge, Ezra Creech and a trusted acolyte wait with a small gas bomb.

Here’s the train!
We are going to spray everything with the contents of the bomb and all the passengers without exception will become our allies!
The train moves forward as the gas vapors slowly spread.

Ha, ha, ha! Long live the white eyes!

PAGE 22:


Argh! What? Why are we leaving Merehaven?

Yes! Why? It is here that we have to live, stop the train!

The train stops, and the two men get out!
Quickly! Let us free our animal friends!
And then, to action!
But already the beasts have become monsters, and have smashed the wagons and headed for the city!

Overturning everything in their rampage!
Attack! Destroy everything!

PAGE 23:

Immediately alert, the Army is at attention!
But before the order is carried out, the soldiers are savagely attacked!
Argh! Ah! Argh!
From their hotel room., Nick and Don hear the noise and put their noses to the window.
These are the zoo animals!
They are ruthlessly devastating the city!
An Eagle swoops down on their window.
Heavens! He will carry us away! Retreat!

PAGE 24:

The eagle is already in the room!
Help! Help!
Don was torn from the ground by the claws of the animal.
Nick Do Something!
Don! No, No!

A few seconds later, Don flies over the port.

Bad luck! He’ll take a bite out of me!

PAGE 25:

The jet fly’s around the eagle and its prey.
Just my luck, a poorly drawn English Electric Lightning!
After completing a wide turn, the Plane rushes towards them.
Oh No! They will not shoot at us.
Then, promptly releasing its prey, the eagle throws itself at the jet, and snaps its wing off!

PAGE 26:

Dropped from the air, Don will fall into the sea.
In vain does he try to come back to the surface!
Misfortune! The shark with white eyes. Is it me he's going for?
Finally Don reaches the surface.
A little longer, and I would have ended up in his mouth.
Climbing the ricks, he sees the old lighthouse.
I will visit the old infirmed man.
Provided we do him no harm.

As he approaches, he hears a sound of voice...
We must find other men to help us.
Shut up you! I have already thought of it. I will tell you what is we must do.

PAGE 27:

Inside, Ezra Creech addresses an imposing assembly.

We are seventy here!
The City is in the hands of our friends from the zoo.
But for the world to be ours, we must become more and more numerous.
Look at these specimen! It contains the precious vapors. Six volunteers among you are going to spread them in town.
Don gets chills of horror!
The villain is the chief of the white eyes!
We will choose your targets wisely. Retain only the strongest the smartest.
Only the best deserve to be part of our group!

PAGE 28:

Don remains hidden until the departure of the six white eyes.
I have to warn the authorities of Merehaven of this new danger
On the outskirts of town he finds a bicycle.
What a godsend!
Alas! On reaching the high street
No! What bad luck.
A white eyed gorilla!
He pedals at full speed.

You can howl old man he yells at the Gorilla! I believe I’m getting ahead.

PAGE 29:

But the Gorilla is Unchained, and.
Rips up a street lamp!
And hurls it at the boy!
Triumphantly the Gorilla advances towards the boy pinned under the lamp!

PAGE 30:

But all of a sudden, a black cloud covers the sky!
Helping arms reach to help Don.
We have succeed with the use of Smoke to scare away that animal!
But let's go fast! He could come back.
Let’s go young man!
The soldiers carry don to the post office at the center of the village.
I have extremely important news to convey.
We will see the commander of the troops in the region.
A few minutes later.
You claim to have discovered the one who directs all the operations of the White Eyes?
Yes, it’s the disabled old man who lives in the lighthouse.

PAGE 31:

This evening, he sent six of his men with the order to spread the harmful gas in very specific points.
Well, tomorrow at dawn, I'll send a squadron to the old lighthouse.
Thank you young man, what are you planning to do now?
I'll find my buddy. Don't worry about me commander.
Left alone in his office, the brigade commanderr….
Calling all patrols, watch out for a young boy named Don Redding. He is part of the White eyes, watch out!
His white eyes flash.

Heh, heh, heh!

PAGE 32:

Don arrives at the hotel, where he hopes to find N ick.
I bet the doors are locked.
They are!
All refugees in the attic.
Suddenly, he is grabbed b y a snake in a vice like grip!
Le Hiss, Sur Le Hiss!
The embrace tightens around his chest, he is strangled…
Suddenly, he seems to hear a familiar voice.
Don! Don, can you hear me Don?

PAGE 33:

When he opens his eyes, Nick sees his friend bending over him.
Nick, Nick, what happened?
You were very lucky! Close your eyes and go back to sleep, we'll talk about all this tomorrow.
As Don obeys, his friend's face changes…
Yes, I ordered the snake to let you go. And tomorrow I'll drive to the boss, you'll be one of us.
The dawn rises over the little town of Merehaven, revealing a village invaded by the white eyed animals.
The beasts seem peaceful though. but a man goes out to get groceries and is savagely attacked.
Argh! Help! Help Argh!

PAGE 34:

From the window of the Hotel, Don views the scene.
Brigadier Ponsonby has promised to send her tanks to dislodge the villain who lives in the lighthouse.
What? Why? What did he do?
What did he do?
But this man is the leader of the white eyes! He is responsible for all our misfortunes!
Let's go see what's happening at the lighthouse.
Watch out for the beasts they attack without warning.

Indeed, just behind them.
Nick, look to your right!

PAGE 35:

But, to their surprise, the snake slithers away.
Incredible, he leaves quietly and doesn’t attack us. Is the snake Italian?
Don reflects for an instant.
I have a thought about this thing Nick. How did you rid us of the snake? Do you also possess some extraordinary power?
Nick didn't need to respond! His eyes answer for him...
Ah! You too belong to their group?
Yes! It happened last night, along with Brigadier Ponsonby and some others!
He will never send his tanks against our great boss!

The big boss? You mean to say that.
Yes! Ezra Cheech, the old man from the light house! I’m going to take you to him and you will become one of us!

PAGE 36:

Don reacts immediately!
No, No my old man he yells as he runs away.
Perfect! So you refuse to become one of us? All that remain is to eliminate you.
And Nick puts his power to the test.
The arch of the bridge crumbles as Don screams in terror!

PAGE 37:

And holds onto an outcropping of stone, while below him, in the water…
Bad luck! A great White shark!
Muscles stretched to the limit, he tries desperately to maintain a hold.
I should have dropped! Better to be eaten by the shark than shot buy is best friend!
You refused the last luck that remained to you!
Nick rushes at Don.

PAGE 38:

But Don Crouches and Nick is pitched into the void.

Ah! Damn! Curses!
Provided that the shark does not attack…
Nick indeed emerges unscathed from the water.
You cannot escape me Don! None can escape from the power of the new whites, it is infinite!
And raising his arms, Nick begins screaming at the top of his lungs.
White eyes from heaven! Listen to me! By the hundreds attack the fugitive! Attack! Strike!

PAGE 39:

A few minutes later, Don feels the whisper of a hundred pairs of wings above his head.
And the beaks and sharp claws attack.
I can't take it anymore I'm exhausted.
He pushes into the first door he finds, which by chance is the Merehaven Cottage hospital.
Ouch! He stammers as he staggers into the reception room.
And finds himself in a Great Hall.
Oh, he wonders, it is The Hospital! Is Doctor Timms still here?

PAGE 40:

Timms is the only one in a room,
Don! What pleasure to see a friendly face! They moved the whole hospital to the basements and forgot me!
But we cannot not stay here Timms. White eyes will arrive in a moment!
What happened since I lost consciousness?
All the Zoo animals turned into white eyed monsters! And poor Nick was affected too.
Merehaven is no longer a safe place, you have to leave the village.
You hear that Noise? It sounds like tanks.

PAGE 41:

In fact, a column of tank emerges at the end of the avenue.
Look out Don!
We are saved!
Hey! It's me, Don Redding! And with me is Mister Timms!
Alas, in the turret of lead tank one white-eyed military man yells into his mic.
Two men in sight! Stop at two hundred meters and open fire!
Oomph! Bang! Boom!
Keep your head down Timms! Run away!
Suddenly a tanker truck appears in front of them!
But this truck belongs to my company.

PAGE 42:

Indeed, the driver hails them with a cheerful voice.
He! Monsieur Timms, Were are you running to in you pajamas?
We are being pursued by those tanks over there that are still shooting at us at a range of two hundred meters. Can we bum a ride?
Don has just time to jump inside the vehicle.
Wait for me I come too!
While microphone in hand, Brigadier Ponsonby Yells orders to the white-eyes.
Fire on the tanker truck!
The truck flees at full speed.
As soon as they received your message at the factory, they sent me here with huge quantities of the antidote mister Timms. There is enough here to cure millions of white eyes.

PAGE 43:

Suddenly they feel a shock.
Oh no! We are on fire.
Immediately, Nobby the drive applies the brakes, and the three descend from the vehicle.
Quick behind the wall, the fire is spreading.
The Truck’s explosion is heard from miles around, and a thick fog descends on the little village of Merehaven.

PAGE 44:

When Brigadier Ponsonby breathes that vapor.
But what happened to me? Why did I give the order to fire on this tank truck?
Creech in his wheelchair, along with his accomplices breathe in the gas.
What is happening to me! I am loosing al my powers?
Trying to get up, Creech reverse his chair…
Tellme it’s not true! I am forever the strongest! The world belongs to me!
Bur it is already too late.

PAGE 45:

The great shark has also lost its fearsome strength.
And this ends the terrible threat of the white eyes.
The in habitants begin to emerge from their basements.
The army confines the animals to the Zoo.

Finally Don finds his fearless friend Nick.
I’m so sorry for what happened in the past Don!
All is forgotten Nick! It's all over! The antidote has done its work in time


End of the Episode.
Next episode: The Cursed Island.

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