SHORT: US Banking System vs Our Banking System, ep. 222 The Breakup

1 year ago

We started today’s show with something from the legacy media. The WaPo title is “Vanishing Phone Customer Service is driving us all insane.” With the bank run yesterday, the writer, named Helaine Olen tweeted, “Hi everyone. I know it’s a busy news day but I wrote about something that’s driving all of us insane, why it’s so hard to (get) customer support on the phone. Hint: it’s about money – and not your money.”
Like a broken clock, and completely unaware, the legacy media WaPo happened on the right answer. It’s all about the money.
The bank run focused US style politics of division on the economy. As fans of the Breakup know, we describe the economy as a psychological engine. Commercial relationships formed within a system are the result of the psychological engine working or not. It motors forward or stalls.
So customer service, or even building infrastructure, cannot perpetuate forward because of derangement. Marc Andreesen tweeted yesterday, in response to a canceled rail line connecting a NYC airport to the city, “This is why I say building new infrastructure is now illegal. It doesn’t matter how much money we pour into things like this, they simply will not come to be.” Today, Atlanta is indefinitely delaying its public transit service expansion plans. That’s 7 years after voters approved a sales tax that’s netted $2.7bn for transit projects in the city.
With the bank run, the strength of the US to wage an economic war with Russia and China are influenced. It also brings in the specter of bank consolidation and how cancel culture in the US would be in severity if there were only 3-4 banks in the US.
But as viewers know, we love simulation winks on the Breakup, and this is a great one: That the US banking system is the “us” banking. It promotes a psychological engine that rewards proximity to the money printer. No customer service. No building. No growth. No power.
But with Bitcoin, we have the contrast. OUR banking system. One that’s building and growing. NOSTR, Lightning, self-custody, jurisdictional arbitrage. We’re mentally and psychologically prepared for this environment because we predicted it. Because of our strong predictions, which we share for free, bitcoiners have also shared the truth about mental health. It’s about moving every day. Lifting some heavy things. Eating simple healthy food that you prepare for yourself and that you try to purchase from a farmer. Avoid sugar.
Meanwhile, we can laugh at the sight of Biden trying to instill confidence by speaking words. I mean, the sight of the demented bugger trying to open a door was funny. Putting the old title of US president on him, ‘leader of the free world’ is hilarious to me and most bitcoiners. Watching these woke banks with high ESG scores, also funny.
But most importantly, the financial literacy, the humor, and the mental and physical health bitcoiners cultivate has brought us to a place where we are also the most energy literate people in the world. Bitcoin and energy are the DDay of WW3.
All Bitcoiners remain playable characters in this game. We’re all still at the table saying the same things we’ve said for years, nearly consistently since the Great Financial Crisis and the birth of Bitcoin. That’s why Bitcoin’s up recently.
And now, we’re going to take over the US energy system. We’re going to infiltrate and dominate the coordination of a global decentralized electrical system. Our Banking system, not the ‘us’ banking system, is the building block of our psychological engine. Our system will give electricity for all – real power.

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