Project Diagnosis 1

1 year ago

" Project Diagnosis " consists of the breakdown and proof that the daily consumption is mind controlling, satanic and dangerous.

Simply, within Project Diagnosis, I may display everyday products, music, advertising, clothes brands, etc. that display occult, deceiving or satanic influences.

Point being for this project is we need to realize that indeed, everything we consume in our everyday lives shows the evil meaning and breakdowns whether it be the food we consume, the music we hear, the brands we follow to the views we have.

This world is dark, and once one's eyes open to see the satanic influence this world has, we will see and we will realize that this is a war directed to the Mind, Body and the Soul.


34 " The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.

35 Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness. "

The Radio, the TV Shows, the brands, the apparel, it all... is against your mind, body and soul.

This project came to me after the release of " Black Tranquility " and the inspiration of Warner45's " Project Monarch "however, this is very different from "Black Tranquility " for it is mostly focused on trending music, apparel, shows and movies.

Open your eyes, because this.. is the world YOU LIVE IN.



God bless you all!

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