Some will be surprised on that day (Take a lower seat Luke 14:7-14)

1 year ago

Some will be surprised on that day (Take a lower seat Luke 14:7-14)

Occasionally, this world will surprise you and something unexpected with take place and catches everyone off guard. It seems to happen a lot in the world of sports, as every year in every sport a team that has no chance of beating a powerhouse ends up pulling of the upset. No one seen it coming and no one every expected it to happen, yet at the end of the day the team that no one expected to come out on top is victorious. I believe in heaven we are going to have a lot of similar things happen when we get to there and see those who have been highly esteemed of God for your faithfulness and service. People will be saying why are they up there and the famous television evangelist is way back here with us. Someone will simply say, oh they faithfully cleaned the church every week for over 50 years. Never once complained and did it all the while with a loving and caring heart as if they were cleaning the throne of God Himself weekly. You mean they rank higher than the guy who preached to millions each week on television, yep, they did exactly what God wanted them to do every week and never once sought to abandon the mission that God had placed in their hands. Why is that person up there? Oh, that is the widow who spent 8 hours a day praying for others in her community to come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Her prayers sparked revival in the hearts of many people. And so on and so on, those who we have never heard of will be exalted by God because of their silent service and obedience to the Kingdom.

Jesus warns us in this parable that we should never think to highly of ourselves and always humble ourselves before others. This world makes everything a contest and makes us feel like we are competing with everyone around us for attention, stature, and acknowledgement but this couldn’t be further from the truth. God is looking for those who are willing to humble themselves and simply be obedient to the plans that He has for our lives. The world says the pastor with the largest congregation is most successful, but God says the individual how has faithfully loved and pastored 10-20 people over the past 40 years in the same community is the most successful because they did exactly what He asked them to do. The faithful and humble are the ones that God esteems in His Kingdom, not the ones who one who get the most fame or notoriety in this world. When we all stand before the throne of God and see those who God exalts, we will all be amazed at those who are upfront because they quietly and humbly surrendered their life to God and worked behind the scenes

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