Common Sense DESTROYS Jon Stewart's Stance On Gun Control | Joshua 24:15

1 year ago

Jon Stewart seems to think that no one should really care about DRAG QUEENS indoctrinating our children, because gun violence is claiming the lives of so many children in the United States. There is one HUGE problem with that logic though... How could you sit there with a straight face and attempt to validate drag queen story hour by shifting focus to gun deaths, but completely ignore the millions of abortions happening annually in America?

If serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.... As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.
—Joshua 24:15

Thoughts on Today's Verse...
While we can't speak for everyone in our family, we can commit to what everyone in our family should desire: We will serve the Lord! But more than commit, let's set the example and lead the way. "I will serve the Lord, TODAY!" Then we can ask them to join us.

My Prayer...
Give me wisdom, O tender Shepherd, on how to lead my family to love you more. Please bless my parents and thank you for their faith. Please give me courage and sensitivity so that I can effectively share your truth with my children. O God, please bless those parents who are seeking to raise godly children that will someday marry the children you've given me. I want my house to be a place where you are known, appreciated, honored, and loved. In Jesus' name I humbly ask it. Amen.

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