The Fish (Hyperborean Epoch) #shorts

1 year ago

The Hyperborean Epoch is symbolized by the fish as humanity had finally reached the level of 'water' during this epoch. During this epoch, we see the sun and earth separate from one another as they were once originally united in one mass of living ether.

The epoch where the sun and earth were united in a mass of 'living ether' is called the "Polarian Epoch" and is the first developmental stage of the earth or Material Plane. You can learn more about the Polarian Epoch here:

In this second stage, called the Hyperborean Epoch in Mystery Teachings, we see the higher forces of the sun separate from what is now the earth, or the lower, denser developing cosmic forces. At this period, the sun essence that rises from the earth consists of the most refined forces, and once the separation occurs these highly evolved solar forces then beam down upon the earth creating an evolutionary impulse.

This separation is symbolized by the fish and the zodiac sign of The Fishes or Pisces. This can be seen in the reality that the fishes in the constellation Pisces are swimming away from one another, just like the sun and earth did during the Hyperborean Epoch.

The fish is also significant as at this time humanity had reached the level of 'water' meaning that human beings had condensed into a liquid plasma form. Hence the association of human beings embodying the earliest elemental expression of water.

Keep in mind that the Hyperborean Epoch is not a physical epoch and the the earth will mot materialize into the physical realm as we know it for quite some time. For perspective, the planet does not develop the element of water as we know it, until much later in planetary evolution. Thus Hyperborea is not a physical stage, but a stage that at it's most dense is what we would associate with a kind of 'living water' or plasma.

#steiner #anthroposophy #blavatsky #theosophy #esoteric #spirituality

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