1 year ago

Your time to relocate out of the cities to a safer place & prepare for the planned & scheduled New World Order "Great Reset" Financial Collapse is closing in on you. The Globalist terrorist Klaus Schwab at the WEF is threatening to take out the electrical grid by hacking it or some type of Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) weapon. Ignore all the signs at your own peril, don't be a gambler, play it safe on this one. Financial people never agree on anything, but most financial people are saying run for the hills, the sky is falling (aka the dollar is collapsing & the banks are failing). Do you have prepping supplies in place? You need things to survive a period of chaos, fear, and aggression by the masses that have their heads buried in the sand and trust government. The very breakdown of the word GOVERNMENT = GOVERN (To Control) & MENT (The Mind). When the mind control program called GOVERNMENT wears off for the sheep, and reality comes into clear view for them too, they will either die from shock, or they will PANIC LIKE SCARED SHEEP do! Don't be stubborn on this one, distance yourself from the Vaxxed Sheeple that are awaiting death in the cities, it doesn't hurt to prepare, if some White hats come and save the day, you simply will not have to go shopping again so often, but if the good guys don't save the day, you will be the genius parent or grandparent that helps your family survive and THRIVE.

If you live in the USA and are looking to get out of the cities and seek the safety & security of the country, start your search with these links shown here. This is how I found my homestead, so I hope you find these useful if you are looking to do the same thing. I do not think there is a lot of time remaining to relocate your family before the JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL Great Reset, should it happen as the elites are planning. If it doesn't happen, living in the country is still a much better way of life. -- Sergeant Major

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