Eli Crane Discusses January 6 Tapes, Border Crisis & More

1 year ago

Eli Crane Discusses January 6 Tapes, Border Crisis and His Endorsement For President Trump in 2024

Conradson: When it comes to January 6, we’re seeing the tapes are getting released. But some Republicans, Democrats, they are crying out against it. They’re saying that it is a “threat to democracy.” They’re saying it should have never been on Fox News. What’s your response to Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer saying those things?

Crane: I think the real threat, Jordan, is to their integrity because they only wanted the American people to see one side of that story. And they’re scared to death now that the American people are seeing the other side of the story, which isn’t convenient for their narrative. And I think that it’s one of these cases where the light always exposes darkness. And I’m hopeful that this leads to some of the folks that haven’t been treated fairly getting taken care of and hopefully getting out of jail. And I know some of us; there’s talk right now of some Republicans getting to go finally go to the prison and possibly meet with some of the January 6 prisoners. And when I first got here, that was one of the first things that I asked my staff to schedule, and I was told that unless I think it was the mayor and the warden signed off on it, I wouldn’t be able to do that. So, it’s definitely frustrating for many of us that don’t feel as if those folks have been treated very fairly. But I think that I want to commend Speaker McCarthy and I also want to commend Tucker Carlson for his courage in not only releasing the tapes but then exposing the tapes to the American people so we can actually see the other side of the story.


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