Autoimmunity: Triggers & Immune Response Support | A Different Perspective | March 11, 2023

1 year ago

This week, on A Different Perspective, Doc talks about environmental triggers for autoimmune conditions. How do you support the immune response? Doc breaks it down.

Health is function. If your body is functioning well, you’re healthy. If not, it’s sick.

Science is your understanding of the world around you. It’s observation.

The science of medicine changes all the time.

Both the fireman and the carpenter are good. As long as they stay in their own lane.

Expert in health

Expert in trauma

We’ve never seen only one cause for anything. It’s always compounded factors.

NIH—Autoimmune Diseases

The immune system is pac-man. Did anything change in him to get him to attack healthy cells? No!

What are you considering a healthy cell?

What made it attack this organ, and not every cell in the body?

There are over 80 autoimmune diseases that affect over 24 million people. They all come down to the same principle.

If it’s genetic—if it’s in your blueprint—why did you develop it at 40, and not have it the day you were born?

It’s not a genetic problem

You didn’t give your body what you needed, so it responded to that

The actual roles gender/race/socioeconomic aspects play in autoimmune disease

Vitamin D and how melanin affects sun absorption



Organic mercury

You still had to put a stimulus in for the body to respond

Some genes are overloaded easier than others; it doesn’t mean your genes are your destiny

The body is protecting you by breaking things down that are dangerous

There is no drug or medicine that supports the body

Immune system boosters

The importance of vitamin D

Omega-3 fatty acids—cod liver oil (vit A)

Reishi mushroom



If all you do is take supports and supplements and don’t figure out the triggers, you’ll still be sick in two years

Vaccination and autoimmune disease: what is the evidence?

You swerve too hard to one side or other, you end up in the ditch. The answer is in the middle.

What are environmental triggers?

How environmental triggers work




British society for Immunology

The solution won’t come from the cause

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