My God, in whom I trust - An interview with the Pfizer whistleblower and her legal counsel

1 year ago

Brook Jackson has worked in the clinical trials field for over twenty years. Brook is a Clinical Research Auditor and Certified Clinical Research professional.

Before working for Ventavia Research Group, Brook served as the Director of Operations for a multi-state clinical trial company.

Brook began her employment with Ventavia on September 8, 2020 as a Regional Director on the Phase 3 trial of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, supervising two of Ventavia's three clinical trial sites.

Warner Mendenhall is a lawyer of 25 years and the Principal of the Mendenhall Law Group, in Ohio, USA. He has a lot of experience representing whistle blowers in the past and is part of the legal team representing Brook Jackson in the current case against Pfizer, regarding fraud in the Covid-19 clinical trial.

Robert Barnes is Lead Counsel, representing Brook Jackson in the current case against Pfizer, regarding fraud in the Covid-19 clinical trial. He the founder of Barnes Law.

This is our second interview with Brook and Warner. Our first interview was 6 months ago, and you can find that on our rumble channel. See below.

Brook Jackson filed a false claims act lawsuit on January 8, 2021. Brook is the relator and the defendants are Ventavia, Icon and Pfizer.

On March 1, 2023, which was last week, there was a hearing in Texas in front of a federal judge, where Brook’s team of lawyers presented their argument for why Pfizer’s motion to dismiss should be rejected and Brooks case should advance to the discovery phase.

In this interview, we are focussing on what happened in that March 1 motions hearing.

- Warner explains what the Federal False Claims Act is.

- Why did Brook’s case fall under the False Claims Act?

- The US Government declined to back Brook Jackson when the case was unsealed in 2022, and also filed in support of Pfizer’s motion to dismiss. Why ? Robert explains 2 possible reasons for this.

- What is the materiality issue? It matters.

- We talk about this interchange that occurred between the Judge and the Defence Attorney and the motions hearing.

“So if the FDA gets it wrong, they just get it wrong and we live with it?” Judge Truncale asked.

“Exactly,” said Pfizer attorney Carlton Wessel, adding that if the government doesn’t think it’s been defrauded, that should end the case.

- What does “discovery mean”? What information will Brook’s team receive as a result of discovery. Phone records, and other communications between the federal government (FDA, CDC, NIH) and Pfizer?

- Who can be deposed for the trial? Anthony Fauci and principal investigators from clinical trial sites?

- We discuss the fact that people are looking at shareholder suits against both Moderna and Pfizer for lies told to the shareholders regarding safety and efficacy of these vaccines.

- Brook has been accused, by the Pfizer defence team, of being an anti–vaxxer and entering the company with an agenda. She was also accused of entering areas that she shouldn’t have at the trial site. Brook answers these allegations.

- How long do they think before the Judge rules on this motion for dismissal by Pfizer? The judge did not make a ruling on the day of the motions hearing.

- Brook tells us of her hope for this case, and the vaccine injury fund.

- We discuss the upcoming March 25 -26 Covid Litigation Conference in Alabama, which has been organised with VSRF. All three of them will be there with many other lawyers and some doctors as guest speakers. See below for the link.

Related Videos:

- The truth shall set you free: An interview with Brook Jackson and Warner Mendenhall.

Documents referenced in the interview:

- "Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial". The British Medical Journal Investigation.

- The Covid Litigation Conference.

For tickets and more information about the Covid Litigation Conference, please visit

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