Do you see what I see or am I imagining things?

1 year ago

If you look around, there are multiple crises hitting the world at this present time. You have war, government poverty, violence which has brought some nations to the brink of collapse, millions of refugees being sent around the world looking for a better place to live. The Middle East is constantly in focus. You have extreme heat, droughts, floods, and very cold weather in some places. Global food production distribution of food is in decline with the UN warning of the coming famine which could result in up to a billion people being affected. You have family life and moral values under attack. You’ve got confusion over sex and gender, confusion over what marriage is, and, if you believe that marriage is just between a man and a woman, you’ll find that some people, even in the church, don’t agree with you. We also have an assault on our youth with children being told that there are many genders, and they can change sex if they like. And, at the same time, you have a growing financial crisis around the world, prices rising, shortage of supplies. In many countries people are crushed by poverty and they don’t really have a way out of that. And if you look in the developed countries like ours, you find that the economies are all massively in debt, both public debt and private debt, which they will probably never be able to pay back. Economists are warning about inflation, economic crisis and, just in the last couple of days, we’ve seen the collapse of an international bank.

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