25 Fun Facts That Are Really Fun To Tell

1 year ago

Fun facts lists are a dime a dozen. They are everywhere, but the question is, who are the facts fun for? The listener? The teller? This can all be a bit confusing. Okay, we're joking. We know that the titles are just clickbait. Today we're going to try doing something different. We're going to come up with facts that are definitely fun, and they are specifically fun for the teller. Why? Because you get to see the disbelief on people's faces when they hear them. They'll tell you that there is no way that Australia actually lost a war to emus. And there is absolutely no way that it happened twice! And it's even called the Emu Wars? Get out of dodge! It's fake! All the while, you are laughing and telling them that you're not lying. They google it and now you get to rub in their face just how right you were and how wrong they were. That is what we mean by fun.

So now you know. These facts are meant to be fun for you. Don't hold back, tell them to everyone that you know. These are 25 Fun Facts That Are Really Fun To Tell
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