#30 Galactic Ambassadors Podcast ft. Michael Richardson (QSG Certified Practitioner)

1 year ago

We are thrilled to introduce to you Michael Richardson from Australia as our latest certified QSG Practitioner. In this GA Podcast we discussed his encounters with the elders of Australia, their healing technologies and his way of supporting others on their journey of consciousness expansion.

Website: https://linktr.ee/dimensionalsoulastrology
Email: dimensionalsoulastrology@gmail.com
Languages: English
Based in Adelaide, South Australia

"For over 44 years I have been studying and teaching the Ageless Wisdom, Esoteric Astrology, Meditation, Tarot, Crystal, Sound and Energy healing and now Galactic Astrology and Akashic records access. Galactic Astrology or Quantum Soul Healing, brought to us by the extensive research and experience of Julia Balaz, reveals the most ancient parts of our being. By tracing our past lives, both here on earth as well as other star systems and Galaxies, we can clear old karmic patterns and clarify our Soul purpose for this life time.

Amazingly, using Astrology and Akashic record access can even clear family karmic patterns. It is heart warming to see millions of years of ancestral conflict repaired with this process.

I am truly honoured to be a part of this amazing work. I use Astrology and fixed star alignments to access your Akashic records to reveal your past lives, both here on earth and in different star systems. A safe and secure space is created by using psychic alignment meditation, incense, crystals and sound vibrations before presenting the extensive report either in person or via Zoom or Skype. The session is finished up with Tarot so you can gain greater clarification of personal challenges. The intent is to assist in the release of blocks and issues brought forward from the past, to clarify your life purpose and to connect you to your higher wisdom.

Remember you are a Spiritual being having an earthly experience."


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