The Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition Kitchen Makeover with Megan Kelly

3 years ago

Megan Kelly, a Licensed Esthetician and Nutrition Practitioner, joins Dr. Jockers in today’s episode to engage us in a mental exercise. She’ll teach us how to get out of our minds and rewire our mental faculties so we can put our brain’s energy into the things that are beneficial for our health.

Learn new habits and practices that support better health then unload all the things that are harmful to the body. (Many arise from old habits that no longer work anyway.) A healthy body resides first in the mind.

We can get inside the structures of our brains so we can identify unhealthy mindsets and limiting beliefs then wire them out of our systems. That way, we can clear the space in which new beliefs and habits can thrive.

Today’s episode is proudly sponsored by Paleovalley and its Essential C Complex. Not only does this immunity-boosting product have the three most potent sources of Vitamin C on the planet, but it also gives you 750% of the daily recommended dose -- exactly the amount your immune system needs to stay in top shape. Hurry and grab yours from and be sure to use code JOCKERS at checkout for an extra 15% off!

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