JUAN O SAVIN- What really happened on J6 and TRUMP- Michelle Moore 3 10 2023

1 year ago

THIS PRESENTATION by Juan O Savin with Michelle Moore recorded on Mar 10 2023 directly confirms the J6 events that are in BLOODY HILL Watch here:
From the 12:00 to 21:00 Juan explains the TIME LINE OF THE EVENTS at the CAPITOL... That you have not heard before.. and is good Quality Sound.
The Audio is very spotty afterwards so be sure to take you time. He basically says:
The Event was a very obvious attempt to INSTALL without the proper investigation into the CERTIFICATION OF THE ELECTION within the 10 day “not following the OATH OF OFFICE” that was entirely disregarded (Ted Cruz did bring this up in the Senate but they were ignored by those Democrats in on it and define those in the Brunson Petition 22-380 who voted to CERTIFY the election). This is NOT TRUMP'S FAULT. They have taken OUT even the Lawyers that tried to bring this into the COURTS. See this program for The Ghost explaining this dynamic in the COURTS:
This was an insurrection and RIOT created by THE AGENCIES.
The "Star Chamber" created by the J6 UNSELECT COMMITTEE.
34:00 Juan explains this. THEY ALTERED all of the VIDEOS and it is only with the RECENT release by the NEW HOUSE Speaker Kevin McCarthy (and FREEDOM CAUCUS) and his passing this on to TUCKER CARLSON with FOX NEWS that it has NOW come OUT. And now the Deep State LOSES their cover STORY.
President Trump had to ALLOW evidence to be presented so that the NARRATIVE of J6 could be "IN A COURT OF LAW" and be determined LAWFULLY.
Treniss Evans, Lara Logan, Nino Rodriguez were at the Rally in ROBSTOWN TX and they sang the NATIONAL ANTHEM that they SING every night at the DC Gulag.
President Trump in light of the current information will now have FREEDOM to open up the TOPIC.
43:00 WHO WERE THE INSURRECTIONIST? The reason Trump asked for them to come to the CAPITOL .. is because the Foreign Interference that should have come forward would have determined weather the election was VALID AND TRUSTWORTHY or NOT. The American People were asked to come to WITNESS (from the GALLERY what was Occurring in THEIR CAPITOL) the INSURRECTIONIST who were...THE AGENCY HEADS.. FBI, CIA and the NSA. The violation of their OATH OF OFFICE. JUSTICE was NOT being DONE. Those AGENCIES are the ones that were INSUBORDINATE.
Remember Mar 15 2020 President Trump asked that Cheyenne Mountain be closed up tight because we MAY ALREADY BE AT WAR. And now 3 years later we are AT WAR. These Events since Jan 6 2021 while President TRUMP was STILL PRESIDENT hold the KEY to the Agencies FABRICATING this event weeks before it happened. The Agency heads REFUSED to PROVIDE this information to THE PEOPLE during the 45 day period after the ELECTION on Nov 3 2020 .. Ratcliff stated they did not RECEIVE the information IN TIME from the Agencies of FOREIGN INTERFERENCE.. they aided an ENEMY of the PEOPLE this was TREASON.
Loy, Raland, Deron and Gaynor Brunson (the brothers) witnessed the 2020 election along with claims from members of congress that the election was rigged. What got their attention was when the proposition to investigate those claims was presented to Congress and put to a vote. What came as a shock to the four brothers is when they discovered that 387 members of Congress along with VP Mike Pence actually voted against the proposed investigation, thus thwarting the investigation. Whether the election was rigged or not was no longer their main concern. What now became the concern was when those members of Congress violated their sworn oath by voting to thwart the investigation.

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