FAKE Banking CRISIS To FORCE Digital Dollar! Congressman Paul Gosar BLASTS J6 Media LIES!

1 year ago

FAKE Banking CRISIS To FORCE Digital Dollar! Congressman Paul Gosar BLASTS J6 Media LIES!


The Rothschild “boom and bust” cycle is designed to lead nations to war!
Patrick Byrne is here to talk about the banking crisis.
Central bank digital currency will be used to control and oppress American citizens.
Americans were promised the tapes so McCarthy should release the tapes.
Congressman Paul Gosar is here to talk about the phony J6 narrative.
J6 was a complete set-up from the very beginning and Nancy Pelosi knows exactly what went on that day!
We must bring back the rule of law by taking on the FBI and the CIA.
There is a disturbing relationship between Covid-19 jabs and 5G technology!
Mat Taylor is back with Stew to talk about how the Covid-19 injections are connected to 5G technology.
It’s been observed that when exposed to wireless radiation objects assemble in vaxxed blood.
A Russian General used research featured on The Stew Peters show to demonstrate the Covdi-19 mRNA shot is a weapon of biowarfare!
Karen Kingston is here to say there is no law in the world that protects Pfizer from criminal prosecution!
Attorney Generals across the country are being lied to by phony “experts” who are protecting Pfizer by claiming they cannot be prosecuted.
Ignoring this crime against humanity is not going to make it go away.

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