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Magician 250 rear Spoke Part 2 replacement xg250 tricker parts

1 year ago

Jan 12, 2022 UNITED STATES

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1-12-2022 This video is of me replacing some broken wheel spokes on my motorcycle. let start by saying THIS IS NOT A PROPER FIX nor is it a tutorial, this is just me replacing spokes that were broken. i chose to replace them with Japanese parts on my chinese motorcycle! my option at this point is to either start calling Ricky Power Sports (US import dealer) and see if they have the proper spokes OR i can order the Japanese wheel rim to match the spokes i bought from there. this is all very SKETCHY and is not by far the best way to address this wheel but i hope this will be only temporary if i can get the chinese parts. again NOT a repair, just spoke replacement and this is very sketchy.

i will be giving updates to this video if any failures or problems should arise. i will also be updating if the proper spokes can be bought and who i get them from.

disclaimer : i am NOT a mechanic nor have i been properly trained. this video is no way intended as a tutorial or even a guide for wheel repair. if in doubt about YOUR wheel i suggest you take it to a certified motorcycle mechanic at a proper repair shop.

Thank You for Watching!

13,161 miles as of Jan 12-2022

UPDATE: 1-13-2022 tuned it up, adjusted the chain slack and did a quick look over the bike. i did take it out for a quick ride and so far so good. i still feel uncomfortable with the just replacing the spokes without doing a proper repair but i will call RPS tomorrow or next week about chinese spokes for the bike. plan is to check the spokes every 100 miles till the next oil change then switch to checking the spokes every oil change (1,250mi). with any luck i will find the correct chinese spokes and if not then go with plan 2 and swap out the wheel rim with that of the Japanese one in which i will make a quick video of it.

UPDATE: 3-22-2022 been using my scooter more so than my Magician as I am STILL a little freaked out about using Tricker parts on my Magician, but I am now starting to use it more and more. I am now just shy of 14K miles and everything is fine still. 3k miles to go before the scheduled wheel spoke check and tightening as per manufacturers recommendation. Next month i will be purchasing an entire rear wheel assembly so keep an eye out for that video.