Jesus Treads on Chaos | Sermon 03/12/2023

1 year ago

John 6:16-21

After the feeding of the five thousand, the crowds went away, the disciples headed for their boat to cross the Sea of Galilee and Jesus shows us what is important after a substantial out-pouring of service: prayer with God. The text draws a link between being alone without Jesus and being in darkness. Without Jesus there is darkness, fear, and chaos. In this particular account, the darkness and chaos come from a violent wind storm that stirred up the waters of the Sea of Galilee. In ancient times and even now, the sea is a place of violence and disorder, where those in it are thrashed around at the will of the waters.

However, in one of the most divine miracles of Jesus, He comes treading upon the surging waters with power. Next to Him, the waters look tame while He looks fierce. The disciples are afraid as they see Him walking towards the boat in the middle of the sea. The Creator controls what seems to be uncontrollable creation. Unlike Moses, He can not only part the seas but walk upon them. The statement in verse 20 should remind them of the One True God, the LORD. Jesus tells the disciples to not be afraid. He commands it. The LORD says this phrase numerous times in the Old Testament. The point is, since Jesus can overpower what is considered impervious and since He loves the disciples, they should not fear. And then Jesus backs that up by saying the name of God “ἐγώ εἰμι.” “I AM.” We are reminded of the Exodus in John 6 because of the manna from heaven and the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb but now we are to think of the parting of the Red Sea and the burning bush passage in which the LORD reveals His name.

This confident Water-Walker is none other than the divine Son of God. Upon receiving Him into the boat, all becomes still and they are propelled to their destination. Matthew’s account shows the disciples worshipped Him for this. That ought to be our posture as well.

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