Does it turn out that "every conspiracy theory" concerning Twitter was accurate?

1 year ago

The internal corporate records provide a behind-the-scenes look into how the federal agencies skewed public discourse on one of the biggest social media platforms in the world.

A look behind-the-scenes at how the federal government influenced the information flow on one of the biggest social media platforms in the world is provided by the so-called Twitter Files, which were produced by a group of independent journalists who were given access to internal corporate records.

Some computer experts claim that there are no secrets in the Twitter Files since they were already aware of the enormous difficulties associated with content filtering or were aware of the hundreds of takedown requests that the firm receives each month from government agencies and courts. The Twitter Files, however, have made significant new discoveries. They demonstrate how the business suppressed discussion about crucial policy concerns by falsely shadowbanning a number of accounts. They demonstrate how Twitter was frequently coerced into granting spurious removal requests by the FBI and the White House. Additionally, they show that the decision to cover up the Hunter Biden laptop story during Joe Biden's 2020 presidential campaign was probably influenced by the intelligence community.

During the All-In Podcast in late December, Elon Musk claimed, "Almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true. Is there a Twitter conspiracy theory that wasn't shown to be true?

Theorists of conspiracies frequently manipulate the truth and exaggerate what actually occurred. Yet anyone who cares about free expression and a democratic society should find the material revealed by the Twitter Files worrisome. Is the government interfering in the same way with Google search, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube? How can we stop the internet from becoming into a centralised tool used by governments to restrict and shape public discourse? The following three key insights from the Twitter Files:

#1 Twitter skewed the dialogue and deceived the public

#2 Speech is being secretly monitored by the government.

Not Twitter's decision in and of itself, but rather the question of whether it was taken voluntarily is what troubles me the most about the Berenson de-platforming. Was it carried out on a federal government order? Circumstantial proof that the White House was involved can be found in the Twitter files.

#3 Twitter allowed clandestine government propaganda on its website.

As it appeared as though it was being exposed, the US may have tried to covertly shut down its sock-puppet accounts on Twitter.

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