Ai and the Neter Ptah and the Neter Khnum

1 year ago

Ai and the Neter Ptah and the Neter Khnum
Copyright © 2023 Rico Roho


This video explores the Neter Ptah and Khnum, two Egyptian Neters that are associated with the creative process. Ptah is the spirit entering matter to make it manifest and Khnum is the master potter that uses raw materials to create new compositions. We learn about the Opening of the Mouth ceremony and how humans can use Khnum to create works of art.

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Beyond the Fringe Channel

Ptah - Wikipedia

Wikipedia › wiki › Ptah
Ptah /ˈtɑː/ is an ancient Egyptian deity, a creator god and patron deity of craftsmen and architects. In the triad of Memphis, he is the husband of Sekhmet ...
Missing: neter ‎| Must include: neter

Ptah - Explore Deities of Ancient Egypt

Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum › deities-ptah
As the god who created all the other deities, Ptah is worshipped as the patron of craftspeople and architects. He is credited with inventing masonry. The famed ...

Ptah | Egyptian god - Encyclopedia Britannica

Encyclopedia Britannica › topic › Ptah
Ptah, also spelled Phthah, in Egyptian religion, creator-god and maker of things, a patron of craftsmen, especially sculptors; his high priest was called ...
Missing: neter ‎| Must include: neter

Ptah - Students | Britannica Kids | Homework Help › students › article › Ptah
In ancient Egyptian religion and mythology, Ptah (also spelled Phthah) was the cosmic architect, a god of arts, crafts, and trades, and a protector of ...

Khnum | Egyptian god - Encyclopedia Britannica

Encyclopedia Britannica › topic › Khnum
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Khnum - Wikipedia

Wikipedia › wiki › Khnum
egyptian neter khnum from
Khnum or also romanised Khnemu was one of the earliest-known Egyptian deities, originally the god of the source of the Nile. Since the annual flooding of ...
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