Oak Hill Church of Christ 3-12-23 Message: "Something In Common With Jesus"

1 year ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the unique connection every believer has to God through Jesus.

Reading the Bible, many people may be initially turned off by the impossible levels of moral living and perfect speaking it contains. 'Those "Bible Guys" from the old days aren't like us.' Someone might say, or: 'It's not fair, God made them say those words and make those choices because the Bible demanded it.'

A deeper review of the Word shows that those "Bible Guys" are often more like us than we might have thought. They make mistakes, they have doubts, they fall short, they disobey. God's message to us through the Bible is not that we are to be shamed by the greatness of prior men, but rather to be encouraged by the fact that, through devotion to God, we can become so just as they did.

Jesus, in his time on Earth, did not look down upon his connection to David. He did not distance himself from David or his mistakes. Instead, he proudly called himself a successor to that line, a line of men who did their best, but often fell short.

Jesus feels the same way about those who live today. Though we might worry that he will spurn us for our shameful past and our frequent mistakes, Jesus proudly connects himself with us as his family.

Take some time this week to consider that God and His message are not so distant as you might have feared. Study God's Word and discover that His goal is union with us.

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