Daily Calm/30 Minute Mindful Meditation/ Be Present in the moment/ 432HZ.

1 year ago

Why 432 Hz Resonates with Humans
The next question is: okay, so the musical theory makes sense, but why bother tuning to 432 Hz in the first place?

Well, firstly because it actually makes more sense, from a music theory stand point. You tune to nice whole numbers and not decimals – which are awkward.

But on a more primitive and spiritual level, one would presume it optimal to play music in alignment with our planet, with nature.

We know that prolonged exposure to certain frequencies can cause us to feel adverse physical effects.

Think for a moment about all the frequencies that travel through your brain on any given day: from cell phones, Wi-Fi, 5G, radio, and microwaves.

All these devices transmit at different frequencies. These manmade inventions are constantly penetrating our brains with different frequencies.

It is no wonder that devices that emit artificial electromagnetic radiation have been linked to cancer, depression, insomnia, and even miscarriage (2, 3, 4).

Also consider the repelling frequencies of car alarms, speaker or microphone feedback and the dental drill.

Then consider natural frequencies, such as birds singing, leaves rustling, rain, an ocean breeze. Do these things bother you, or comfort you?

These everyday vibrations made by Mother Nature resonant with our being.

They have, over the centuries, inspired the creation of instruments: think of the wind whistling through a hollow tree, and then consider the creation of the flute.

It makes sense that listening to music tuned to 432 Hz (8 Hz) would make us feel more calm and balanced; because it's in our DNA. We come from the Earth. We are part of the Earth.


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