Third Sunday of Lent - Woman at Well - Living Water - H2O - Preaching to Kids - BKT - 2023-03-12

1 year ago

Third Sunday of Lent - Woman at Well - Living Water - H2O - Preaching to Kids - BKT - 2023-03-12

Scripture Readings
Ex 17:3-7 / Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 / Rom 5:1-2, 5-8 / Jn 4:5-42

1st Reading - …Is the LORD in our midst or not?

2nd Reading - …And hope does not disappoint

GOSPEL - …The woman left her water jar

Opening -
…God is missing and they think we took Him.

Overview -
Water is powerful - Water can destroy and water can save

Woman at the well

We have to hope for better times, better days and And hope does not disappoint, 

To change we must embrace the Living Water
In Greek Living Water also means flowing water not like water in a well or cistern

Water gives Life -
Water Gives Hope -

H2O means that each water molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms.

Water gives us Hope and as Saint Paul said in today’s 2nd reading to the Church of Rome - And hope does not disappoint,

How do we maintain our connection to the H2O - the Living Water
Profession of Faith - Creed

Body - Living Water - H2O

H - Heaven - Eternity with God
Living Water is the Source of Eternal Life

2 - Two together - Personal Relationship with Jesus
5 Phases of building relationship - Woman at the Well
3 ways to change our thinking
Thirst - Sir, give me this water, so that I may not be thirsty
Recognize - Sir, I can see that you are a prophet.
Change - Leave the water jug behind

O - Only - the Only answer we need to all of life’s problems
Hatred - Samaritans vs Jews
Frustration - 1st reading - Is the LORD in our midst or not?

How do we maintain our connection to the H2O - the Living Water
Profession of Faith - Creed

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I dedicate these Reflections to my Daughter Haley.

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