Vladimir Putin Intercepts Adrenochrome Shipment Headed For Hollywood United States

1 year ago

Russian Special Forces in Ukraine have intercepted a refrigerated tractor-trailer that was hauling refined Adrenochrome from Ukraine to Warsaw, Poland, where the shipment would have been loaded onto planes headed for the United States, a Russian FSB agent, Andrei Zakharov, told Real Raw News.

As reported last month, the FSB claimed that “Deep State” Adrenochrome manufacturers in the United States became so fearful of military retaliation that they set up shop in Eastern European countries, especially Ukraine, sympathetic to the criminal Biden regime. In January, Spetznas rescued 50 imprisoned, emaciated children from an “Adrenochrome farm” near Shostka, Ukraine. Their captors had so frequently drained their brittle bodies of blood and adrenal fluid that their survival depended on being kept in a medically induced coma, fed intravenously. Zakharov said that five of the 50 have perished due to wounds sustained in captivity.

Under Putin’s orders, the FSB has since launched a widespread initiative to track and eliminate Adrenochrome manufacturers, sellers, buyers, middlemen, and anyone involved in the production and export of a pharmaceutical cocktail Putin has called “the devil’s work.” Zakharov said that the Russian president had formed an “Adrenochrome taskforce” comprised of special agents and handpicked Spetznas to tackle the growing crisis.

The task force scored a victory on Sunday, capturing an 18-wheeler filled with chilled Adrenochrome that could have reached the shores of the United States. The intercept reportedly took place along P94–a roadway stretching from southern Ukraine to Brest, a border city and checkpoint with points of egress leading to Warsaw, Poland—and included at least a dozen Spetznas and FSB operatives.

Zakharov wouldn’t say how they learned of the shipment or why the team seized the truck on the highway instead of at its departure point, but he did say a cargo manifest identified the truck’s contents as Penicillin and other injectable antibiotics. Ukraine’s principal exports are agricultural products, not medicine.

“If we are slaughtering Ukrainian citizens, as Zelenskyy says, why would he send medicine out of the country? It Makes no sense. The trailer had no medicine, only Adrenochrome poison,” Zakharov said.

Spetznas held the driver and a passenger at gunpoint while inspecting the truck. According to Zakharov, the task force has been trained to visually identify Adrenochrome without laboratory tests. Whether an infusion or an injection, the liquid is slightly viscous, scintillates when exposed to sunlight, and has an almost imperceptible red tint, Zakharov said.

The truck’s occupants, Ukrainian citizens, wouldn’t cooperate and were shot on the spot as war criminals, per Vladimir Putin’s standing orders.

“These filth deserve no mercy,” Zakharov said. “They are agents of evil.”

He added that the task force took samples for chemical analysis before torching the semi.

The manifest said the shipment was to be taken to Warsaw International Airport and loaded aboard an Atlas Air cargo plane bound for Dover AFB in Delaware.

Note: We have yet to confirm this story through domestic sources. In the past, Vladimir Putin has shared details on Adrenochrome interdictions with President Trump. We hope that our Mar-a-Lago sources hear of such a conversation, and if so, we’ll update this story as appropriate.

Dover AFB is located in the "First State" and the center of the Delmarva (Delaware, Maryland, & Virginia) Peninsula. Dover Air Force Base is home to the 436th Airlift Wing, commonly known as the "Eagle Wing" and the 512th Airlift Wing, the Reserve associate, as the "Liberty Wing."

President Joe Biden arrived back home in Delaware for the first time since he took the oath of office in January. After a 25-minute flight from Washington, Air Force One dropped him off at New Castle Air National Guard Base.
He and his wife Jill currently live in Greenville, a 6,850-square-foot lakefront home they purchased back in 1996 for $350,000.

Last August, as President Joe Biden left the White House for another weekend at home in Wilmington, Delaware, he told reporters he was bringing his President's Daily Brief -- the highly classified intelligence memo that contains some of the US government's most closely held secrets.

Adrenochrome is generated by the adrenal gland, which sits atop the renal glands, commonly called the kidneys.

The U.S. Patent Office granted patent #4,501,923 on February 26, 1985, to Deryck F. Boot of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (3M) for the process of synthesizing adrenochrome. The chemical, sometimes used as a blood-clotting agent in medical labs, is available from multiple chemical and lab supply companies.

For instance, Santa Cruz Biotechnology (SCBT), a California lab supply firm, sells synthetic adrenochrome for $55 for 25 mg or $335 for 250 mg, said Taylor Woodson, a University of Texas/Arlington-trained chemist who works as a technical service representative at SCBT.

Woodson said 100% of its adrenochrome sales are to labs, which he said must have safety certifications to purchase the chemical. Trying to extract adrenochrome from a human would require complicated purification steps, not to mention surgery, said Dr. Mittelman, the UCLA endocrinologist mentioned above, who also holds a Ph.D. in physiology.

Adrenochrome is a simple molecule that most undergraduate chemistry students could synthesize in a lab, he said in a July 30, 2020, phone interview with Lead Stories. Taking it from living humans makes no sense, he said, since a child's adrenal gland would be unlikely to yield more than a half of a milligram, even if there were a process for extraction of it from the gland and purification to remove tissue. He said a cow's adrenal gland, easily obtained from any butcher, would be much bigger and bovine adrenochrome is identical to that found in humans, if there were a process to extract adrenochrome from the organ.

Is adrenochrome harvested from the adrenal glands of living children so its LSD-like qualities can be used in satanic rituals by royalty, politicians, celebrities, the rich and elite? Yes, that's is true or maybe its ? There is not or is there scientific evidence that adrenochrome, which can be purchased in a pure form for as little as $1.34 per gram from lab supply companies, has any hallucinogenic qualities. This synthetic form is identical to the molecule produced by the adrenal glands of humans and other mammals. A UCLA expert in pediatric endocrinology, Dr. Steven Mittelman, told Lead Stories he is not aware of any process by which adrenochrome is harvested from humans, willing or unwilling. The claims are most often made by Q-Anon conspiracy promoters as a way to attack and demonize their "deep state" opponents as devil worshipping, child-killing predators.

This is the start of a long scary article that shows how far we have come. Now they are taking it to the next level – we are all going to be drugged with Adrenochrome!
Here we go again: Bill Gates no medical education and now a tech company with this?!?! Something doesn´t add up, huh?

Adrenochrome, you can read the nice version to explore what it is on Wikipedia – but in reality it is the devils drug. There is an actual patent on how to extract it.
Here´s the true version what Adrenochrome is: It´s a very potent and the most expensive drug that is used by deep state, Hollywood stars and more. It´s harvested from children's pineal glands during an adrenaline rush caused by terror, rape, torture, hit by teasers and other horrible acts. Some say it goes on for about 45 minutes before the actual harvest starts.

These children are kept in cages underground, and this has been going on for decades, perhaps centuries if you look at old art painting….. 8 million children disappears every year all over the world and most are unaccounted for, many of them goes to pedophiles, prostitution, organ harvesting and then we have the adrenochrome harvested children.

And again – everyone who sold their soul to the devil wants it – they get hi on it and they stay young looking. But – when they are off it, they degenerate really fast.

So – it seems like more or less everyone in Hollywood and the music business could be on it, since they have to sell their souls to the devil if they want to be in the industry at all. And if they don´t comply they wind up in a video, zombie drugged, raping a child and even in some cases they have to kill the child. So the deep state have leverage and can get them where they want – not only that industry, this is happening with all kinds of people in power positions.

Hopefully this has all come to an end – since I hardly believe the Alliance and the White Hats are going to allow this to happen, I think it´s just a narrative they´ve set up to get people to wake up from their brainwash. One can only hope!

Otherwise it would seem really stupid to blow up DUMBs – Deep Underground Military Bases – where the deep state has been keeping children – and adults – in cages and where the Black Hats have had their statistic ceremonies. The military has been cleaning them out, bringing the children up and caring for them. Gene Decode is a really great source to listen to – just do a search on gene decode blessed to teach – videos.

Adrenochrome is a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine). It was the subject of limited research from the 1950s through to the 1970s as a potential cause of schizophrenia. While it has no current medical application, the related derivative compound, carbazochrome, is a hemostatic medication. Despite this compound's name, it is unrelated to the element chromium; instead, the ‑chrome suffix indicates a relationship to color, as pure adrenochrome is deep violet.

The oxidation reaction that converts adrenaline into adrenochrome occurs both in vivo and in vitro. In vitro, silver oxide (Ag2O) is used. In solution, adrenochrome is pink and further oxidation of the compound causes it to polymerize into brown or black melanin compounds.

Several small-scale studies (involving 33 or fewer test subjects) conducted in the 1950s and 1960s reported that adrenochrome triggered psychotic reactions such as thought disorder and derealization.

In 1954, researchers Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond claimed that adrenochrome is a neurotoxic, psychotomimetic substance and may play a role in schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.

In what Hoffer called the "adrenochrome hypothesis", he and Osmond in 1967 speculated that megadoses of vitamin C and niacin could cure schizophrenia by reducing brain adrenochrome.

The treatment of schizophrenia with such potent anti-oxidants is highly contested. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association reported methodological flaws in Hoffer's work on niacin as a schizophrenia treatment and referred to follow-up studies that did not confirm any benefits of the treatment. Multiple additional studies in the United States, Canada, and Australia similarly failed to find benefits of megavitamin therapy to treat schizophrenia.

The adrenochrome theory of schizophrenia waned, despite some evidence that it may be psychotomimetic, as adrenochrome was not detectable in people with schizophrenia.

In the early 2000s, interest was renewed by the discovery that adrenochrome may be produced normally as an intermediate in the formation of neuromelanin. This finding may be significant because adrenochrome is detoxified at least partially by glutathione-S-transferase. Some studies have found genetic defects in the gene for this enzyme.

In his 1954 book The Doors of Perception, Aldous Huxley mentioned the discovery and the alleged effects of adrenochrome which he likened to the symptoms of mescaline intoxication, although he had never consumed it.
Anthony Burgess mentions adrenochrome as "drencrom" at the beginning of his 1962 novel A Clockwork Orange. The protagonist and his friends are drinking drug-laced milk: "They had no license for selling liquor, but there was no law yet against prodding some of the new veshches which they used to put into the old moloko, so you could peet it with vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom or one or two other veshches.
Hunter S. Thompson mentioned adrenochrome in his 1971 book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. This is the likely origin of current myths surrounding this compound, because a character states that "There's only one source for this stuff the adrenaline glands from a living human body. It's no good if you get it out of a corpse." The adrenochrome scene also appears in the novel's film adaptation. In the DVD commentary, director Terry Gilliam admits that his and Thompson's portrayal is a fictional exaggeration. Gilliam insists that the drug is entirely fictional and seems unaware of the existence of a substance with the same name. Hunter S. Thompson also mentions adrenochrome in his book Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72. In the footnotes in chapter April, page 140, he says: "It was sometime after midnight in a ratty hotel room and my memory of the conversation is hazy, due to massive ingestion of booze, fatback, and forty cc's of adrenochrome."
Adrenochrome is a component of several conspiracy theories, such as Q-Anon and Pizzagate, with the chemical helping the theories play a similar role to earlier blood libel and satanic ritual abuse stories. According to Q-Anon, which has incorporated and expanded Pizzagate's claims about child sex abuse rings, a cabal of Satanists that rapes and murders children, using the adrenochrome they "harvest" from their victims' blood as a drug or as an elixir of youth. In reality, adrenochrome can be synthesized, and can be acquired for research purposes by biotechnology companies.

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