21/64 day cold plunge

1 year ago

Sunny day, air temperature 40°F, water temperature 38°- 42 °F.

3 days of self sabotage, too much drinking and poor sleep. I'm was not looking forward to being uncomfortable.

I cant deny the benefits!! Give it a try!! Cold showers and ice baths are both examples of hormesis—positive stressors that cause the body to push beyond its comfort level and adapt physically and cognitively. Start with water that’s between 50 and 60 degrees. Once you’re ready for your plunge, don’t hesitate — get into the tub with both feet and immediately sit down. Immerse your entire body in water, lie back, and then relax.The only thing you should be focusing on is slowing down your breathing. If you find it difficult to slow down your respiratory rate, hold your breath at the next inhale and don’t breathe at all for a few seconds.

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