In the Stone by Earth, Wind and Fire ~ Going Within to Activate the Philosopher's Stone

1 year ago

This has long been one of my most favorite songs, as with its Iconic Opening and the Lyrical Tale, this Song has always reached my heart...also, when the Seattle Station would show The Saint with Roger Moore as Simon Templar at 2am, they would ALWAYS intro the show with the Opening from In the Stone...

The Tale that Maurice White crafted within this masterful song is ALCHEMY, pure and is the Tale of the Sacred Feminine Rising Within us, The Kundalini, so that our Higher Self, Christ Consciousness, may be Delivered to God in a Place called Pineal...IN THE STONE is referencing the Philosopher's Stone, which is an Allegory for our Pineal Gland, and when we Activate this Miraculous Gland, then we are said to be Living on the Inside, or IN THE STONE...

And within the confines of the Song, Maurice White teaches to us that Life is a CHOICE in every single Moment, where we choose to FOCUS our Essence upon God, Always, or we slowly FADE AWAY by taking our EYE Off the Ball, and Striking Out... Outside of the Metaphysical Mind, and back into the Physical Body, and the World of Men, who are always Stepping ON and Over our Beautiful Mother Earth...

As the Goal of Alchemy, symbolized by the Egpytian 24, is Connection and Eternity with both Father Heaven and Mother Earth, making us the Golden Child, and thus, the Trinity, the Hallowed Child, Living in Heaven upon Earth...

So, enjoy this Masterpiece and try to Imagine yourself Rising HIGH within U, as U continue to come Closer and Closer to God in Heaven, which is indeed, WITHIN U...

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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