2023-03-12, GESARA Room 103 - Sunday

1 year ago

March 12, 2023, The GESARA Room 103
Duration: 2:47:32

Hosts: Peter Walker (Cologne, Germany) and Billy Gillies (St. Louis, USA).

The show starts with music, on Billy's request, as he considers the title to be apt: "Are You Ready?"
We discuss the upcoming banking crash and advise to remove money from the banks while you still can. After the crash of the major US Silicon Valley Bank, a domino effect is expected with other major banks as the Fiat currencies come to an end. We also discuss the summer-time change in America and how Europe, etc, will not follow until March 26.

Peter's Telegram channel has recently been overwhelmed in scammer attacks (every few minutes) and it became necessary to switch off the chat feature until better security can be found. This is discussed in detail.

After news and Q&A, Billy presents another of his popular meditation sessions.

Our next show is our official birthday show and we ask our members to prepare a tin-foil-hat as a kind of birthday celebration. It should be fun.

0:00:00 Music: Creed - Are You Ready
0:04:37 Part 1: American Time Shift - Summer Time
0:17:14 - Why chat was switched off on NESARA-GESARA-QFS Telegram channel
0:29:41 Part 2: GESARA News
1:02:46 Part 3: Q&A
2:29:43 Part 4: Meditate with Billy
2:39:42 Final Thoughts
2:44:08 Prepare a tin-foil hat for our birthday show on Wednesday.
2:46:32 Wrapping Up
2:47:32 End.

Links from today's show:

More info on Dr. John Holt:

Crypto Infos from ILOPEZ/Sloan:
Setting up multisig with LOBSTR and LOBSTR Vault
This video will guide you through the process of enabling multisig for your Stellar account in LOBSTR wallet.

XLM & LOBSTR Wallet | XRP QFS Manual

Celebrate 100 GESARA Shows

Getting started on the GESARA Show

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