The Artistry and Symbolism of Bali's OGOH-OGOH Tradition

1 year ago

After being postponed due to the pandemic, the eagerly awaited cultural festival finally took place in Lampung Selatan. Thousands of people, ranging from children to teenagers, crowded the Ketapang district field to witness the OGOH-OGOH Festival, which featured Bali's traditional dance and the captivating music of baleganjur from several teams originating from Ketapang and Sragi districts.

The festival, which is held to celebrate Nyepi Day, showcased various OGOH-OGOH prepared by each team with a number of participants ranging from 20 to 30 people. Despite the long preparation time, participants and organizers remained enthusiastic about this event. They were willing to put in the effort to ensure that their OGOH-OGOH was both attractive and entertaining for the people who came to watch.

The OGOH-OGOH Festival was not only a platform for showcasing arts and culture, but also a place for community gathering in Lampung Selatan. People can meet, chat, and enjoy the festival atmosphere together.

Moreover, the festival serves as a platform for preserving the rich and beautiful Bali culture. It provides an opportunity for the community to learn about Bali's traditional dance and the captivating music of baleganjur.

The OGOH-OGOH Festival not only attracted people from Lampung Selatan, but also tourists from various regions. They can experience the unique cultural festival and enrich their travel experiences in Lampung Selatan.

With this lively OGOH-OGOH Festival, Lampung Selatan showcases its cultural wealth to the world. We hope that this festival can continue to be held and become a tradition that is continuously preserved by the people of Lampung Selatan.

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