5G tech is used for social tracking people and monitoring them!

1 year ago

This is the program in China and why they need 5G tech. 5G is basically 4G but with 10 times more processing power. All this extra processing power is used for a number of things, in this example it is used to study and track people by their movements. The level of EMF radiation in the vicinity of those cameras is extremely high. And this is not just in China. 5G tech is installed everywhere in the world. Rebel now. Share this video. Not many people actually know even if you think everyone does. People dont realise this is not just about control, surveilence... bla bla in some peoples eye. These 5G cameras and tech are spreading cancer. yes, cancer by iradiating the people that walk here. About this, everyone will care because even the most lame Tik Toker will not want to get cancer to be fingerpointed by his friends. So share.
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You can protect yourself against EMF and 5G radiation using Aulterra products, more info here: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/AultHome/AUL651/
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