Singo, Wanamingo / Myron, Scourge of Redding - Fallout 2 E34

1 year ago

I bring Myron to Redding, to face the consequences of his actions and ask him if he really thinks he is a good person, after pushing the miners into dependence and servitude. While we are here of course we do the quests, and I try and calculate if Myron is a worthy companion, since his combat performance has been so poor. I have a soft spot for him, being so young and not realizing what he was doing, being so brilliant and just wanting to impress the adults.

We go down The Great Wanamingo Mine and we find... Aliens, but here they are called 'Wanamingos' I improve Myrons Combat settings, and he finally helps fight! We mosey through it (I am overleveled for this area), but apparently, when they say kill the creatures in the mine, they meant all creatures in the tunnels beneath the town. So I go back to the surface to find any quests I can complete while I explore the underground.

There are also 2 more mines, a couple of crimes, and a doctor who is willing to administer drugs to unaware patients so we can help save the town from the horrors of drugs and addiction. We meet the Greasy Mayor, the surprisingly cultured sheriff, the folksy tomboyish bartender, and a psycho who won't let anybody get away with talking bad about his mama.

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