What That Means Is S2 EP 6 "Freedom of Speech & Thought"

1 year ago

What That Means Is S2 EP 6 "Freedom of Speech & Thought"

This episode is the SIXTH instalment of Series Two of our online weekly show "What That Means Is". With you hosts, Rosalie Drysdale, Chris Riddell and Ken Drysdale.

In this week's episode we talk about the meaning and importance of "Freedom of Speech and Thought".

Freedom of speech is not just a concept that allows a person to say whatever they want. Once you realize that freedom of speech is fundamental to the process of human thought and consideration.

Once you control the actual words that someone is allowed to use, and you actually erase or ban certain words, you functionally prevent people for even considering certain topics and to make decisions based on that thought process and consideration.

You not only censor words, but you censor thoughts.

This episode considers the case of a young North Korean woman who escaped the tyranny of the regime, but when interviewed by Dennis Prater, she stated that she did not try to escape from North Korea to get to freedom. She had no concept of the word freedom, she only escaped to get food as she was starving.

Censorship of speech is much much more devious a concept than most people understand it to be.

As usual, you decide, you do your own research, make up your own mind.

Each video will be between 15 and 20 minutes long, and will explain the key elements of the 89 page report in simple to understand language, as brought to you by a variety of hosts and guest speakers.
You can download your free copy of the report from:
www.the truefactsc19.com
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