Exodus with Jordan Peterson - Part 2 Official Trailer

1 year ago

As we continue into part 2, Jordan is joined by an impressive panel of experts to discuss the timeless, universal topics explored in the book of Exodus, such as faith, freedom, ethics, morality, politics, and more.

This roundtable of scholars includes Ben Shapiro, DailyWire+ host and New York Times best-selling author; Dennis Prager, author of The Rational Bible series and co-founder of PragerU; Dr. Douglas Hedley, professor of the Philosophy of Religion at Cambridge University; Dr. Os Guinness, English author and social critic; Dr. James Orr, assistant professor of Philosophy of Religion, Cambridge; Dr. Stephen Blackwood, president of Ralston College; Gregg Hurwitz, novelist, screenwriter, and comic book creator; and Jonathan Pageau, Christian thinker and artist.

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