Couscous a better light dietary and healthy dish

1 year ago

Sauce Ingredients:
1 kg of veal
3 tomatoes
2 onions
1 tablespoon of tomato puree
8 cl of sunflower oil
1 tbsp organic couscous seasoning
3 liters of water
120g chickpeas, soaked in water
2 small coriander bunches
350g white turnip
350g yellow turnip
500g carrots
500g cabbage
500 g pumpkin (red squash)
1 piece of hot pepper

For the couscous:
750g medium-sized couscous
1 tablespoon of sunflower oil
1 teaspoon of salt
في 75 cl of water
1 teaspoon of ghee
1 piece of hot pepper

Cut the meat into pieces. In a saucepan over low heat, brown the pieces of meat in the oil with the onion, 2 tomatoes and the tomato purée. Add the water, the organic couscous seasoning, the chickpeas and the coriander bouquet.
When the meat is half cooked, add the cabbage, carrots and turnips.
When the meat is almost cooked, add the pumpkin (red squash), the remaining tomatoes and the chilli.
When the meat and vegetables are cooked, the pot is removed from the heat.
The steamed couscous is placed in a serving dish, a hole is formed in the middle of the dish, the couscous is poured with hot broth, then the meat and vegetables are placed in the heart of the dish. Serve the couscous hot.

Couscous preparation:
The couscous is placed in a large saucepan and washed down with a cup of water. Mix the couscous by hand to wet all the couscous grains and separate them
Cover the couscous with a clean cloth and let stand for a few minutes so that the couscous absorbs the water.
Grease the couscous (steamer) with a little oil, then add the couscous. The couscous is placed on top of the pot half filled with boiling water. When the steam begins to come out of the couscous, count 15 minutes, then the couscous is removed from the heat and the couscous is emptied into a bowl.
The couscous is painted in oil and washed down with a large cup of salted water. Separate the couscous granules from each other by hand. Leave the couscous to stand for a few minutes so that it absorbs all of the added water.
Repeat the process twice until the couscous is puffed, cooked and moist.
Spread the hot couscous with ghee, then place it on a serving plate.

To better learn how to prepare the different couscous recipes, visit this ebook:

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